Koki Mussa

Portfolio - Web Projects


BMI (Better Me Incorporated): a web app that allows users to use their weight and height numbers to calculate BMI, determine if the user is underweight, normal, overweight or obese and the associated health risks with the specific BMI results. Fullstack development using React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, My SQL DB, NPM Packages and Heroku

BMI Normal


A web app that functions as a digital jukebox and allows users to play and filter music based on the year genre music. A Fullstack development using JavaScript, HTML, HTML5 Link Prefetching, CSS Animate, Colorganize, Material Design Icons, websocket.io, Node.js, Sequelize, NPM Packages and Heroku


Grove ATL

A one-stop shop web app that allows users to plan a fun night in Atlanta (resturants, concerts and movies). Web site uses HTML, CSS/Semantic UI, Javascript, AJAX, API, Firebase and Github deployment

Grove ATL

React Clicky Memory Game

A memory game with React. This React app uses HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, NPM Packages and Heroku

Clicky Game

Trivia Game

A trivia game that allows a player to select from multiple choice questions where the player will have a limited amount of time to finish the quiz. The game ends when the time runs out. The page will reveal the number of questions that player answer correctly and incorrectly. Web site uses HTML, CSS, Javascript and jQuery

Trivia Game